Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Arms deals constitute the largest scale business which is the backbone of many developed countries' economy. This report presents only a glimpse as to how they are indulged in fraud on the cost of common people's lives.

A recent investigation by the BBC claims that a bomb detection device from a UK security company is not effective at all. The exclusive report leaves a particularly bad taste when you consider Iraq has spent over $80 million on these devices.

If ATSC's ADE-651 worked, it could save hundreds, maybe thousands of lives. Unfortunately, it seems the device is a hoax. If the Beeb is to be believed, the device is nothing more than a radio antenna connected to a plastic handle. The whole thing is hooked up to a card reader that more than likely does nothing. It doesn't have a PSU and it does not require batteries. The London Times reports that last November, Jim McCormick told the newspaper his device was able to detect
explosives in the same way as a dowsing rod finds water.

Jim promised his ADE-651 wand could indentify anything, including bombs, simply by waving it around with the right RFID card inside.

The BBC ran an investigation report on the device, during which McCormick claimed, without breaking his stride, that the device could detect explosives up to one kilometer away.

Now, a lot of people are sceptical of dowsing for water, so it's no wonder there was plenty of naysayers who refused to believe this worked when it was first launched. And, now that the BBC has shed considerable doubt on the matter, police have opened up an investigation. A ban has been placed on exporting the device from the UK and police arrested the McCormick.
Iraq already spent $US85 million on the devices. Literally, the $US 40,000 (apiece) devices did absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. Experts think the insides contained nothing more than a dumb RFID card. Powered by nothing. Nope, not even a power supply. Just some snake oil.

A force spokesman told the Times, "We are conducting a criminal investigation, and as part of that, a 53-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of fraud by misrepresentation. That man has been released on bail pending further inquiries."

ATSC claims the device can detect even a small amount of explosives from distances of up to one kilometer, be it underground, above ground or even in the air. When the Times tested the device, they found it was unable to detect fireworks in a paper bag a few feet away.


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